URGENT: Bromley Council voted to cut funding for essentials- beds, cookers, freezers- for vulnerable people in crisis.

Charities can’t fill this gap. Sign the petition here


New statistics highlight why we need your help ending hunger in Bromley Borough this winter

20th November 2024

Shocking new statistics reveal that Bromley Borough Foodbank provided 3528 emergency food parcels to people facing hardship between April and September 2024. 1216 of these parcels went to children.

Together with food banks in the Trussell community, we have provided more than 1.4 million emergency food parcels across the UK during this time.

Whilst the need for food banks remains extremely high, your support continues to be hugely valuable and vital so that we can be there for people struggling to afford the essentials.

Winter is our busiest time of the year and we can’t let this go on. Will you play your part in ending hunger in Bromley Borough?

Your generous support makes an incredible difference. As we strive to meet the need for our services this winter, we would be incredibly grateful if you could:


  • Donate food/toiletries via our supermarket collection points in Tesco, Sainsburys, Waitrose and Morrisons. Click here to find your nearest supermarket collection point.
  • Come and donate at our big Christmas Tesco Event! Find us in Tesco Orpington and Tesco Bromley on Thursday 28th, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November from 9am – 3pm collecting Christmas treats alongside food donations to support those in need as Christmas approaches
  • Download the BanktheFood app and keep up to date with what we need most as you do your weekly shop.
  • Follow our website/social media channels to see what items are needed most right now:
  • Share this message around and encourage your communities to support with donations.


  • Get in touch if you would like to support by fundraising for us – whether that be through a challenge, event or partnership, or to explore further opportunities ([email protected])
  • Make a donation Donate money | Bromley Borough Foodbank
  • Share this message around and encourage your communities to support with fundraising.


  • Volunteer with us to help collect food at our big Christmas Tesco Event on 28th, 29th and 30th November. For more information about how to get involved contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jen at [email protected]
  • Become a regular volunteer with us! For current opportunities see Volunteer | Bromley Borough Foodbank

Campaigning and Advocating for Change

  • As part of the Guarantee our Essentials Campaign, read and share ‘The Hardship Times’ – a newspaper made up of stories of hope and hardship collected from hundreds of communities across the UK.
  • Continue having conversations with your friends, family and neighbours about the impossible decisions that people visiting the food bank are facing, the solutions and ways we can end hunger, and how they can play their part in helping us to do this.
  • Hold Bromley Borough Foodbank in your thoughts and join us in praying together for a more just future where no one needs emergency food to get by and everyone can afford the essentials we need to live.
  • Contact our Community Mobilisation Coordinator, Ray, to get involved with our local or national campaign efforts: [email protected]

Your support means that we can make a transformational difference to people facing hardship today, and pave the way for a more hopeful future where everyone can afford the essentials we all need to live.

When everyone plays their part and takes positive action, together we can turn the tide on hunger in Bromley Borough.

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